big wins

Rice University innovators claim prizes across health care, energy research

Rice researchers are cleaning up when it comes to grants and competitions. Photo via

Undergraduate students from Rice University were awarded the top prize in a health innovation challenge.

Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) Challenge, which is organized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the non-profit organization VentureWell, selected medical device team UroFlo as its winner, claiming the $20,000 prize. The technology, a continuous bladder irrigation system, was recognized for its potential to revolutionize post-operative care and improve patient outcomes.

The winning team from Rice consists of 2024 bioengineering graduates Anushka Agrawal, Sahana Prasanna, Robert Heeter, Archit Chabbi, Kevin Li, and Richard Chan. The UroFlo system provides care to patients after surgery and reduces the burden on health care professionals by implementing state-of-the-art sensors and machine learning algorithms with a touchscreen user interface. This helps with data collection, processing and visualization. UroFlo promises to enhance the management of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and help prevent blood clots.

“We have learned so much from this process and we are really proud of what we have accomplished,” says Chabbi in a news release. “It’s truly rewarding to know that our work can impact patients’ experience and help improve quality of care. Over the many hours we spent working in the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK) at Rice, we’ve not only developed an amazing set of skills, but have also forged really strong connections with one-another and the nearby medical community at the Texas Medical Center.”

The award will be presented on Oct. 25 in Baltimore during the annual Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) conference.

UroFlo was also with first place in the Johns Hopkins Healthcare Design Competition in the Post-Surgical Infection Management category; first place in the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Student Design Competition; “Best Medical Device Technology Award” in the 2024 Huff Engineering Design Showcase and competition held by the OEDK; “Outstanding Bioengineering Design Project,” Rice Department of Bioengineering; “Best Presentation” in the Texas Children’s Hospital Surgical Research Day; finalist and “Best Engineering Project” in Rice’s 2024 Shapiro Research Showcases; and semi-finalist in the H. Albert Napier Rice Launch Challenge. UroFlo will continue after Rice, as the project will be developed further.

“We are all very passionate about biomedical engineering, and dedicated and committed to making a difference” Chan said in a news release. “We actually decided to continue to develop UroFlo after our graduation from Rice a few months ago with the hope of improving our innovative solution for urological care.”

In other news, Rice University’s Naomi Halas won $7.5 million over five years from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) with her project proposal Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) for her project titled “Combining Nonequilibrium Chemistries with Atomic Precision,” which competed in the category “plasmon-controlled single-atom catalysis.”

“Combining Nonequilibrium Chemistries with Atomic Precision” addressed the need for more energy-efficient and less protocol-intensive chemical processes that involve using light to drive chemical reactions and single-atom “reactors” to catalyze chemical reactions that are nearly 100 percent specific in terms of reaction products.

Plasmons work when they make metal nanoparticles act like antennas, and certain designed reactor sites on their surfaces can then carry out chemical reactions at a fraction of the “energy expenditure of conventional industrial catalysts” according to a news release.

Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine have also received $2.8 million in funding from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) for their research on reducing inflammation and lung damage in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients.

“Cell Based Immunomodulation to Suppress Lung Inflammation and Promote Repair,” will be co-led byRice’s Omid Veiseh, a professor of bioengineering and faculty director of the Rice Biotech Launch Pad, and professor of surgery at Baylor Ravi Kiran Ghanta. They will develop a new translational cell therapy platform “ to allow a better local administration of cytokines to the lungs in order to suppress inflammation and potentially prevent lung damage in ARDS patients” according to a news release.

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