The Belfer family, led by oil tycoon Robert Belfer, had donated an additional $20 million to the Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium. Photo via

Neurodegeneration is one of the cruelest ways to age, but one recent donation is invigorating research with the goal of eradicating diseases like Alzheimer’s.

This month, Laurence Belfer announced that his family, led by oil tycoon Robert Belfer, had donated an additional $20 million to the Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium, a multi-institutional initiative that targets the study and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

This latest sum brings the family’s donations to BNDC to $53.5 million over a little more than a decade. The Belfer family’s recent donation will be matched by institutional philanthropic efforts, meaning BNDC will actually be $40 million richer.

BNDC was formed in 2012 to help scientists gain stronger awareness of neurodegenerative disease biology and its potential treatments. It incorporates not only The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, but also Baylor College of Medicine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

It is the BNDC’s lofty objective to develop five new drugs for Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders over the next 10 years, with two treatments to demonstrate clinical efficacy.

“Our goal is ambitious, but having access to the vast clinical trial expertise at MD Anderson ensures our therapeutics can improve the lives of patients everywhere,” BNDC Executive Director Jim Ray says in a press release. “The key elements for success are in place: a powerful research model, a winning collaborative team and a robust translational pipeline, all in the right place at the right time.”

It may seem out of place that this research is happening at MD Anderson, but scientists are delving into the intersection between cancer and neurological disease through the hospital’s Cancer Neuroscience Program.

“Since the consortium was formed, we have made tremendous progress in our understanding of the molecular and genetic basis of neurodegenerative diseases and in translating those findings into effective targeted drugs and diagnostics for patients,” Ray continues. “Yet, we still have more work to do. Alzheimer's disease is already the most expensive disease in the United States. As our population continues to age, addressing quality-of-life issues and other challenges of treating and living with age-associated diseases must become a priority.”

And for the magnanimous Belfer family, it already is.

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Rising Houston health care tower secures $50M in donations

fresh funding

Houston’s Baylor College of Medicine has received more than $50 million in donations for construction of the Lillie and Roy Cullen Tower.

The tower, originally announced last year and set for completion in 2026, will be the new home of the School of Medicine and the School of Health Professions.

The new contributions are:

  • $25 million from The Brown Foundation.
  • $16 million from The DeBakey Medical Foundation, adding to $12 million that already was pledged.
  • $10 million from the Sarofim Foundation, matching a previous $10 million commitment from the late Fayez Sarofim.

“Thanks to tremendous support from the community, we have raised almost $150 million in philanthropy for the new state-of-the-art home for the School of Medicine and School of Health Professions. Cullen Tower isn’t just an investment in infrastructure, but an investment in the health and well-being of future generations,” Dr. Paul Klotman, president, CEO, and executive dean at the Baylor College of Medicine, says in a news release.

The 503,000-square-foot Lillie and Roy Cullen Tower is the first phase of Baylor’s planned Health Sciences Park, an 800,000-square-foot project that will combine medical education and research at a site next to Baylor Medicine and Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center.

In recognition of The DeBakey Medical Foundation’s increased commitment to Cullen Tower and additional funding for the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery, the Baylor College of Medicine will name the park the Michael E. DeBakey Health Sciences Park. It will encompass the new Cullen Tower, another research tower to be built in the future, a building that links the two towers, and the existing Jamail Specialty Care Center.

“The comprehensive scope of the park — combining spaces for education, research, and clinical care — is a fitting tribute to Dr. DeBakey’s contributions to Baylor and the field of health care. The Cullen Tower embodies his legacy of excellence, which will inspire further generations of Baylor students to strive for greatness while advancing medical knowledge and providing compassionate care to patients,” says Dr. H. David Short III, president of the DeBakey foundation.

Rice University innovators claim prizes across health care, energy research

big wins

Undergraduate students from Rice University were awarded the top prize in a health innovation challenge.

Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) Challenge, which is organized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the non-profit organization VentureWell, selected medical device team UroFlo as its winner, claiming the $20,000 prize. The technology, a continuous bladder irrigation system, was recognized for its potential to revolutionize post-operative care and improve patient outcomes.

The winning team from Rice consists of 2024 bioengineering graduates Anushka Agrawal, Sahana Prasanna, Robert Heeter, Archit Chabbi, Kevin Li, and Richard Chan. The UroFlo system provides care to patients after surgery and reduces the burden on health care professionals by implementing state-of-the-art sensors and machine learning algorithms with a touchscreen user interface. This helps with data collection, processing and visualization. UroFlo promises to enhance the management of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and help prevent blood clots.

“We have learned so much from this process and we are really proud of what we have accomplished,” says Chabbi in a news release. “It’s truly rewarding to know that our work can impact patients’ experience and help improve quality of care. Over the many hours we spent working in the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK) at Rice, we’ve not only developed an amazing set of skills, but have also forged really strong connections with one-another and the nearby medical community at the Texas Medical Center.”

The award will be presented on Oct. 25 in Baltimore during the annual Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) conference.

UroFlo was also with first place in the Johns Hopkins Healthcare Design Competition in the Post-Surgical Infection Management category; first place in the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Student Design Competition; “Best Medical Device Technology Award” in the 2024 Huff Engineering Design Showcase and competition held by the OEDK; “Outstanding Bioengineering Design Project,” Rice Department of Bioengineering; “Best Presentation” in the Texas Children’s Hospital Surgical Research Day; finalist and “Best Engineering Project” in Rice’s 2024 Shapiro Research Showcases; and semi-finalist in the H. Albert Napier Rice Launch Challenge. UroFlo will continue after Rice, as the project will be developed further.

“We are all very passionate about biomedical engineering, and dedicated and committed to making a difference” Chan said in a news release. “We actually decided to continue to develop UroFlo after our graduation from Rice a few months ago with the hope of improving our innovative solution for urological care.”

In other news, Rice University’s Naomi Halas won $7.5 million over five years from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) with her project proposal Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) for her project titled “Combining Nonequilibrium Chemistries with Atomic Precision,” which competed in the category “plasmon-controlled single-atom catalysis.”

“Combining Nonequilibrium Chemistries with Atomic Precision” addressed the need for more energy-efficient and less protocol-intensive chemical processes that involve using light to drive chemical reactions and single-atom “reactors” to catalyze chemical reactions that are nearly 100 percent specific in terms of reaction products.

Plasmons work when they make metal nanoparticles act like antennas, and certain designed reactor sites on their surfaces can then carry out chemical reactions at a fraction of the “energy expenditure of conventional industrial catalysts” according to a news release.

Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine have also received $2.8 million in funding from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) for their research on reducing inflammation and lung damage in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients.

“Cell Based Immunomodulation to Suppress Lung Inflammation and Promote Repair,” will be co-led byRice’s Omid Veiseh, a professor of bioengineering and faculty director of the Rice Biotech Launch Pad, and professor of surgery at Baylor Ravi Kiran Ghanta. They will develop a new translational cell therapy platform “ to allow a better local administration of cytokines to the lungs in order to suppress inflammation and potentially prevent lung damage in ARDS patients” according to a news release.

How Texas is on the road to becoming a prime state for EVs, according to this expert

guest column

As Texans adopt electric vehicles, significant strides must be made to ensure public charging meets demand. Steps are being made under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program to address such needs. With new developments promising to bolster the state's infrastructure, it’s only a matter of time until all EV owners will have access to reliable and fast charging options.

NEVI Funding in Texas

Texans will benefit from NEVI funding. This federal initiative is part of a broader effort to enhance EV adoption by providing drivers with a robust and reliable network of fast chargers, particularly along corridors, i.e., highways between Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, etc. To date, Texas has been busy installing 66 fast-charging ports along those key corridors with much more to come (Electrify News Site). There are multiple phases associated with NEVI, and the first 50 sites outlined by the Texas Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan have been completed.

Enhanced Accessibility and Convenience

One of the key aspects of the NEVI-funded stations is their strategic placement in areas previously underserved by existing charging networks. This focus not only addresses range anxiety but also ensures a minimum of four chargers per site with a reliability standard of 97 percent uptime. Such strategic deployment is crucial for supporting the widespread use of electric vehicles, especially in a state as vast as Texas (Electrify News Site).

NACS Compatibility and Adapters: Bridging the Gap

To further support all EV drivers, Tesla has opened their previously closed charging network. This network’s charging system is known as the North American Charging Standard, or NACS. This will allow for other brands to leverage the largest and most reliable charging network in Texas and beyond. Now, just about every manufacturer has opted in to the NACS charging ecosystem. This standard will undoubtedly result in more coverage for all EV drivers and a true standard for the industry. You can see the list of manufacturers that have adopted NACS thus far here.

If you already drive a non-Tesla EV, don’t worry. Many manufacturers have embarked upon developing an adapter for you such as Ford. If you drive a Tesla, your options will remain more or less the same. You’ll not need an adapter with future fast charging stations.

At the end of 2023, there were roughly 19,000 Tesla Superchargers and 15,000 from the entirety of the charging community. Tesla aims to add another 7,500 by the end of 2024 in addition to $7.5B from the federal government to support all other charging initiatives.

This move is particularly beneficial for Texas, where the distances between charging stations can be vast. By enabling access to Tesla's superchargers, drivers can embark on long road trips with the assurance that a fast and reliable charging option is never far away. This increased accessibility will likely spur greater EV adoption, as drivers gain confidence in the state's charging infrastructure.

Charging at Home

The concept of fueling and charging EVs at home offers an exciting paradigm shift. Drivers often have to wait for their cars to approach Empty “E” on their dashboard. Some take it all the way down to the red line (or below) while others begin searching for gas stations once they’ve reached a quarter tank.

With EVs however, the average Houstonian who drives ~30 miles a day now has the potential to begin their day with a full charge. Those who have access to home charging can plug their cars in when they get home from work and typically make up for their daily driving/commute with a standard power outlet which offers a customer anywhere from 30-40 miles of charger over a 12 hour period.

But let’s say you’re a super commuter - someone who drives 75 miles a day or more! Starting off with a full charge every day is almost a necessity, and a standard power outlet may not cut it. Luckily, Level 2 chargers exist and serve as an incredible time and money saver. Like the average commuter, a super commuter can simply plug in a level 2 charger, and the EV will be back to full by the time they wake the next morning (offering anywhere from 20-30 miles of charge per hour). Even those who drive 150+ miles a day can confidently use their EVs as a daily driver if they have a Level 2 charger at home.

Embracing the Future

As we look to the future of transport and energy, the synergy between NEVI and Tesla’s network should create a compelling narrative for those thinking about leasing an EV. Combine that with exciting new battery tech and potential range improvements, fueled by West Texas wind and solar, Texas is positioned to be a great state for the EV industry.


Chris George is the United States co-lead at Octopus Electric Vehicles.

This article originally ran on EnergyCapital.