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2 Houston organizations team up to drive SaaS innovation within energy sector

The two entities will combine resources and efforts to "drive innovation, accelerate growth and empower young companies." Photo via Getty Images

Two entities looking to support software-as-a-service innovation have teamed up on a new resource to meet the energy sector corporate clients' growing technology demands.

MOIC Partners, an energy enterprise software sales support solution provider founded earlier this year, and Venture Builder VC, a consulting firm, investor, and accelerator program operator led by a group of Houston innovators, have announced a new partnership. The two entities will combine resources and efforts to "drive innovation, accelerate growth and empower young companies," per a news release from the organizations.

“Throughout our careers, we’ve encountered various approaches to achieving the broader innovation objectives of Venture Builder VC and, in our judgment, this program truly stands out as a model that has the potential to introduce significant innovation to the energy sector in an abbreviated timeframe,” Dave Levitt of MOIC Partners says in the release.

MOIC Partners provides go-to-market products and services, including MOIC Sales Engine, MOIC Pipeline Grader, MOIC Pricing Engine, Virtual Dave, and MOIC Exit Engine.

Venture Builder VC recently partnered with NOV on a custom accelerator for the energy leader.

“We deliver disruptive solutions to enterprise R&D and innovation leaders by targeting growth-stage startups solving their specific problems," Billy Grandy, founder and general partner of Venture Builder VC, says in the release. "While founder-led models excel in driving change, they often struggle with scalability and change management with corporate customers. Our partnership with MOIC Partners provides essential tools to help small and mid-sized SaaS companies overcome these challenges and achieve sustainable growth.”

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