By prioritizing the deployment of smart, energy-efficient technologies, we can ensure that Houston remains at the forefront of the global energy landscape, setting the standard for other cities to follow. Photo via Getty Images

As Houston, the energy capital of the world, navigates the global energy transition, the city is uniquely positioned to lead by example. This transition isn’t just about shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy; it’s about creating an ecosystem where corporations, research institutions, startups, and investors collaborate to develop and implement innovative technologies.

One of the most promising areas for reducing energy consumption and minimizing environmental impact is in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, or HVAC, systems.

Houston’s intense weather patterns demand efficient and adaptable climate control solutions. Traditional HVAC systems, while effective in maintaining indoor comfort, often operate on fixed settings that don’t account for real-time changes in occupancy or weather. This results in energy waste and increased utility costs — issues that can be mitigated by integrating artificial intelligence into HVAC systems.

AI-driven HVAC systems offer a dynamic approach to heating and cooling, learning from user preferences and environmental conditions to optimize performance. These systems use advanced algorithms to continuously adjust their operation, ensuring that energy is used only when and where it’s needed. This results in up to 30 percent greater energy efficiency compared to conventional systems, translating into significant savings for consumers and a reduction in overall energy demand.

For a city like Houston, where energy consumption is a critical concern, the widespread adoption of AI-integrated HVAC systems could have a substantial impact. By optimizing energy use in homes, offices, and industrial spaces, these systems help reduce the strain on the electrical grid, particularly during peak usage times. Additionally, they contribute to lowering greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with Houston’s broader sustainability goals.

The potential of AI in HVAC systems extends beyond efficiency and environmental benefits. These systems enhance the user experience by offering precise control over indoor climates, adapting to individual preferences, and responding to external conditions in real-time. This level of customization not only improves comfort but also supports a smarter, more sustainable approach to energy management.

Houston’s energy transition requires the collective efforts of all sectors. While large corporations and government entities play a significant role, the contributions of startups, research institutions, and energy service companies are equally important. These entities are at the forefront of developing technologies that address both the economic and environmental challenges of our time. Investors are increasingly recognizing the value of funding solutions that offer long-term sustainability alongside financial returns, further driving the adoption of innovative energy technologies.

The integration of AI into HVAC systems represents a crucial step forward in this journey. As Houston continues to evolve as a leader in energy innovation, embracing advanced technologies like AI-driven HVAC systems will be key to achieving a more sustainable and resilient energy future. These systems are not just a technological advancement—they are a strategic tool in the broader effort to reduce energy consumption, lower emissions, and create a healthier environment for all.

At the heart of Houston’s energy transition is the commitment to building a future that balances growth with sustainability. By prioritizing the deployment of smart, energy-efficient technologies, we can ensure that Houston remains at the forefront of the global energy landscape, setting the standard for other cities to follow. As we move forward, the integration of AI into our energy infrastructure, particularly in HVAC systems, will be instrumental in shaping a sustainable and prosperous future for Houston and beyond.


Trevor Schick is the president of KOVA, a Texas company creating sustainable solutions in building development.

This article originally ran on EnergyCapital.
Cindy Taff of Sage Geosystems shares her vision for her company and for the future of energy. Photo courtesy of Sage

Profile: Houston founder helps create a new way of making clean electricity

leading energy

When Cindy Taff was a vice president at the giant oil and gas company Shell in Houston, her middle schooler Brianna would sometimes look over her shoulder as she worked from home.

“Why are you still working in oil and gas?” her daughter asked more than once. “Is there a future in it? Why aren’t you moving into something clean?”

The words weighed on Taff.

“As a parent you want to give direction, and was I giving her the right direction?” she recalled.

At Shell, Taff was in charge of drilling wells and bringing them into production. She worked on oil and natural gas that's called unconventional in the industry, because the oil or natural gas is difficult to get out of the ground — it doesn't naturally gush out like in movies. It's a term often used for oily shale rock. Taff was somewhat unconventional for the industry, too. Her coworkers used to tease her for driving an efficient hybrid.

“You’re not helping oil and gas prices by driving a Prius," they'd say.


EDITOR’S NOTE: This is part of an occasional series of personal stories from the energy transition — the change away from a fossil-fuel based world that largely causes climate change.


Taff wanted Shell to pursue the energy that comes from the Earth's natural heat — geothermal. Her team looked into it, but Shell never greenlit any of those projects, saying it would take too much time to recoup the investment.

When Brianna went to college, she was passionate about energy too, but she wanted to work on renewables. After her sophomore year, in the summer of 2020, she got an internship at a geothermal company — one that in fact had just been launched by Taff's former colleagues at Shell — Sage Geosystems in Houston.

Now it was Taff looking over her daughter's shoulder and asking question as she worked from home during the pandemic.

And Sage executives were talking to Brianna, too. “We could use your mom here," they said. "Can you get her to come work for us?” Brianna recalled recently.

That's how Cindy Taff left her 36-year career at Shell to become chief operating officer at Sage.

“I didn't understand why Shell wasn't pursuing it,” she said about applying the company's drilling expertise to heat energy. "Then I got this great opportunity to pivot from oil and gas and work with these guys that I have the utmost respect for. And also, I wanted to make my daughter proud, quite frankly.”

Brianna Byrd, now 24, is the operations engineer and spokesperson at the company. She's glad her mother, now CEO, left oil and gas.

“Of course I’m biased, she’s my mom, but I don’t think Sage would be where it is without her,” she said.

The United States is a world leader in electricity made from geothermal energy, but this kind of electricity still accounts for less than half a percent of the nation’s total large-scale generation, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. In 2023, most geothermal electricity came from California, Nevada, Utah, Hawaii, Oregon, Idaho and New Mexico, where there are reservoirs of steam, or very hot water, close to the surface.

The Energy Department estimates this next generation of geothermal projects, like what Sage is doing, could provide some 90 gigawatts by 2050 — enough to power 65 million homes or more. That hinges on private investment, and on companies like Sage introducing this form of energy to regions where, until now, it’s been thought to be impossible.

How it works

Sage has two main technologies: The first makes electricity out of heat. The company drills wells and fractures hot, dry rock. Then electric pumps push water into those fractures, heating it up, and the hot water gets jettisoned to the surface where it spins a turbine.

But a funny thing happened during testing in Starr County, Texas. In late 2021, the team realized much of their technology could also be used to store energy.

If that works, it could be a big deal. Currently, to store energy at large scale, the United States is adding batteries, mostly lithium-ion type, to solar and wind projects, so they can charge up and send electricity back to the electric grid when the sun is not shining or the wind is not blowing. These batteries typically supply four hours maximum power.

Sage envisions some of its technology placed at solar and wind farms, too. When electricity demand is low, they'll use extra energy from a solar or wind farm to run electric pumps, pumping water into the underground fractures, leaving it there until demand for electricity increases — storing the energy beneath the Earth's surface for hours, days or even weeks.

It's a novel way to use the technology, said Silviu Livescu, lead author on a report looking at the future of geothermal in Texas. Livescu knows Taff and has followed the company's progress.

“It’s the right moment for companies like Sage with a purpose, with a mission and with the technology to show that geothermal indeed is the energy source we need to address climate change,” said Livescu, who co-founded a different geothermal startup in Austin, Texas.

These days, Taff is often out in front, talking with politicians and policymakers about the potential of geothermal. She attended the United Nations COP28 climate talks last year to share her vision for this kind of energy.

Sage has raised $30 million so far and is growing.

It's building a small (3-megawatt), geothermal energy storage system at San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Inc., south of San Antonio this year. It's working with U.S. military facilities in Texas that see geothermal as a way to power their bases securely. Sage recently announced partnerships for heating communities in Bucharest, Romania; clean electricity from geothermal for Meta's data centers, and energy storage and geothermal projects in California.

The company is final-testing a proprietary turbine to more efficiently convert heat to electricity.

Because of her oil and gas background, Taff said she knows geothermal will only be adopted widely if the cost comes down. The mantra at Sage is: It's going to be clean and it's going to be cheap. She's excited to be working in a field she feels is on the cusp of playing a big role in cleaning and stabilizing the electrical grid.

“I’ve never looked back,” she said. “I love what I’m doing and I think it’s going to be transformative.”

Ken Nguyen, principal technical program manager at bp, joins the Houston Innovators Podcast to discuss the company's new partnership with NASA. Photo courtesy of bp

Houston innovator breaks down industry silos with new bp, NASA partnership

houston innovators podcast episode 252

The recently announced partnership between bp and NASA is a match made in Houston. The energy giant, which as its United States headquarters in Houston, entered into a Space Act Agreement with NASA to combine resources and efforts with innovation in mind.

"Houston has always been known as the Space City, and we're also known as the Energy Capital of the World, but there hasn't always been collaboration," Ken Nguyen, principal technical program manager at bp, says on the Houston Innovators Podcast. "The challenges that NASA is facing is very similar to the challenges that the oil industry faces — we operate in very harsh environments, safety is the most critical aspect of our operation, and now the economic business model for NASA has changed."

Nguyen explains that while both bp and NASA are navigating similar challenges and changes within their industry, they are going about it in different ways. That's where the opportunity to collaborate comes in.

The partnership, which is still new and not fully fleshed out, will look at collaborative innovation into a few focus areas to start out with, including hydrogen storage and development, AI and general intelligence, robotics, and remote operations

"Houston continues to excel — in energy production and in space exploration — but by coming together," Nguyen says, "and for us to be able to tap into (NASA's) knowledge is tremendous. And we, within oil and gas, have a unique set of skills to blend into that with the hopes being that the city becomes this incubator for technology. The potential is there."

Nguyen oversees the implementation of new technologies at bp, and that includes software and hardtech, from cybersecurity to the digitization of the industry, which is an integral part of bp's energy transition plan, Nguyen says on the show.

"For bp, we do feel like as we transition as an international oil and gas company into an integrated energy company and we lean into the energy transition, the adoption of new technology is a critical part of making that viable for the planet and for the company," he says.

According to Nguyen, bp has invested its resources into exploring energy transition technologies like electric vehicle charging — including opening a fast-charging station at its Houston office — and renewable energy, including a solar farm about 10 miles northeast of Corpus Christi.

Another technology bp is keen on is digital twin technology, which can be crucial for enhancing safety for bp personnel and reducing emissions.

Nguyen says digital twin technology "allows us to be able to design and mirror scenarios with real-time variables, such as weather, off-take demands, and volatility."

The two entities will combine resources and efforts to "drive innovation, accelerate growth and empower young companies." Photo via Getty Images

2 Houston organizations team up to drive SaaS innovation within energy sector

howdy, partner

Two entities looking to support software-as-a-service innovation have teamed up on a new resource to meet the energy sector corporate clients' growing technology demands.

MOIC Partners, an energy enterprise software sales support solution provider founded earlier this year, and Venture Builder VC, a consulting firm, investor, and accelerator program operator led by a group of Houston innovators, have announced a new partnership. The two entities will combine resources and efforts to "drive innovation, accelerate growth and empower young companies," per a news release from the organizations.

“Throughout our careers, we’ve encountered various approaches to achieving the broader innovation objectives of Venture Builder VC and, in our judgment, this program truly stands out as a model that has the potential to introduce significant innovation to the energy sector in an abbreviated timeframe,” Dave Levitt of MOIC Partners says in the release.

MOIC Partners provides go-to-market products and services, including MOIC Sales Engine, MOIC Pipeline Grader, MOIC Pricing Engine, Virtual Dave, and MOIC Exit Engine.

Venture Builder VC recently partnered with NOV on a custom accelerator for the energy leader.

“We deliver disruptive solutions to enterprise R&D and innovation leaders by targeting growth-stage startups solving their specific problems," Billy Grandy, founder and general partner of Venture Builder VC, says in the release. "While founder-led models excel in driving change, they often struggle with scalability and change management with corporate customers. Our partnership with MOIC Partners provides essential tools to help small and mid-sized SaaS companies overcome these challenges and achieve sustainable growth.”

Energy Transfer, a Dallas-based midstream energy company, just donated $100,000 to Houston Methodist. Photo via

Energy co. makes $100,000 donation to Houston hospital

curing ALS

Where do energy transition and life-saving medicine meet? In Texas, of course.

Energy Transfer, a Dallas-based midstream energy company, just donated $100,000 to Houston Methodist. The grant is part of a $200,000 gift that has spanned the past two years. The goal? To eradicate the neurological disorder, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). There is currently no cure for ALS. For roughly 90 percent of patients, there’s no known genetic cause, meaning the disease can strike anyone.

Houston Methodist currently has numerous clinical trials taking place with the goal to slow or halt the progression of the degenerative ailment.

“Every dollar donated to ALS research is a beacon of hope for those battling the disease,” said Chris Curia, executive vice president and chief human resources officer at Energy Transfer. “Those affected by ALS deserve a chance at a better life. We are hopeful this donation brings us one step closer to a world without this disease.”

Houston Methodist is home to the first multidisciplinary care clinic for ALS patients in the region and is actively engaged in both clinical and basic scientific research to support people battling ALS.

“We appreciate Energy Transfer’s generosity in our efforts to improve the quality of life and to provide hope for ALS patients and their families. Their continued commitment to Houston Methodist’s ongoing ALS research is truly transformational,” says Stanley H. Appel, M.D., a pioneering neurologist at Houston Methodist whose lab focuses on neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS.

Energy Transfer’s gift will help to support one particularly promising trial of a combination therapy that is currently moving into Phase 2. In its first phase, the therapy was found to safely slow disease progression in four ALS patients over a six-month period. Those patients had no significant progression of their disease during the trial. Prior to receiving the therapy, each of the patients had reported declining abilities to perform daily tasks.

Energy Transfer’s good deed could mean the world not only to patients at Houston Methodist, but to ending ALS altogether.


This article originally ran on EnergyCapital.

Fervo Energy went from a 5,158-square-foot space to a 23,782-square-foot office in downtown Houston. Photo via Hines

Growing Houston energy startup scales local office presence

settling in

On the heels of landing more than $240 million in venture capital, Houston-based geothermal power provider Fervo Energy has more than quadrupled the size of its headquarters.

Fervo previously occupied 5,158 square feet at 114 Main St. in downtown Houston. The company recently left the Main Street space and leased 23,782 square feet at downtown Houston’s 910 Louisiana office tower. Houston-based commercial real estate company Hines owns and manages the 50-story former One Shell Plaza.

“We believe Houston is the center of the energy transition, and downtown Houston has long been its center of activity,” Tim Latimer, co-founder and CEO of Fervo Energy, says in a news release. “The availability of dining options, parks, and biking infrastructure continue to be great assets and a huge draw for our team. For these reasons and more, the only place for Fervo’s headquarters is downtown Houston.”

In February 2024, Fervo announced it had raised $244 million in an investment round led by Oklahoma City, Oklahoma-based hydrocarbon exploration company Devon Energy. Fervo has collected $431 million in funding since its founding in 2017.

Energy companies like Fervo occupy about 43 percent of office space in downtown Houston, according to a new report from the Downtown Houston+ organization. Nineteen new tenants set up shop last year in downtown Houston, with 10 of them operating in the energy sector.

Other energy companies that recently leased office space in downtown Houston include:

  • AES Clean Energy
  • Axip Energy Services
  • EnLink Midstream
  • MRC Global
  • Repsol Renewables
  • Stonepeak
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Rice University opens biotech venture studio in TMC

rapidly scaling

In its mission to amplify and advance biotech innovation, Rice University has announced its latest initiative — a new lab focused on bringing life-saving medical technologies to commercialization.

Established to rapidly build companies based on Rice University's portfolio of over 100 patents, RBL LLC is a new biotech venture creation studio based in Texas Medical Center Helix Park. RBL comes on the heels of establishing the Rice Biotech Launch Pad, a biotech innovation accelerator that opened last year.

Paul Wotton, executive director of the Rice Biotech Launch Pad, co-founded RBL with his colleagues Omid Veiseh, Rice professor of bioengineering and faculty director of the Rice Biotech Launch Pad; Jacob Robinson, Rice professor of electrical and computer engineering; and Dr. Rima Chakrabarti, a physician scientist and venture capital investor with KdT Ventures.

“This is a pivotal moment for Houston and beyond,” Wotton, who serves as RBL’s managing partner, says in a news release from Rice. “Houston has rapidly emerged as a global life sciences powerhouse, blending cutting-edge research with early clinical applications at Rice and the city’s world-renowned hospital systems.

"Investors from across the nation are recognizing Houston’s potential, and with RBL, we’re building on that momentum," he continues. "We’ll not only amplify the work of the Rice Biotech Launch Pad but expand our reach across Texas, creating opportunities for biotech ventures statewide and driving growth for the biotech industry as a whole.”

Strategically located in TMC, RBL will collaborate with medical leaders, investors, corporations, and other players both in the same building and on the greater TMC campus.

“Leveraging Rice University’s Biotech Launch Pad breakthroughs and pairing it with the world-class translational infrastructure of TMC Helix Park well positions RBL to drive unprecedented advances in patient care,” William McKeon, president and CEO of the TMC, says in the release. “This partnership between academia, industry and health care is exactly what’s needed to transform medical discoveries into real-world solutions that improve lives globally.”

RBL is Rice's latest effort to bridge the gap between academia and biotech innovation, an effort led by Paul Cherukuri, Rice’s chief innovation officer, who reportedly spearheaded development of the new initiative.

“RBL is a game-changer for Rice, Houston and the global biotech community,” Cherukuri adds. “This venture not only accelerates the commercialization of our innovations but also sets a blueprint for other universities looking to maximize the real-world impact of their discoveries. By combining scientific expertise with entrepreneurial support from Day Zero together with strategic clinical partnerships in the TMC, we’re creating a model for driving large-scale biotech innovation that universities everywhere should aspire to replicate.”

Since the Rice Biotech Launch Pad was established, Motif Neurotech closed its series A round with an oversubscribed $18.75 million, the hub secured a $34.9 million grant, and a “living pharmacy” founded at the Launch Pad received industry validation.

“RBL provides a powerful platform to translate high-impact scientific discoveries into therapies that will dramatically improve patient outcomes,” Veiseh says. “Our goal is to rapidly bring Rice’s pioneering research into the clinic, delivering life-saving solutions to patients around the world.”

Houston hospital named among smartest in the nation

hi, tech

Houston hospitals are chock-full of smart people. But they’re also equipped with lots of “smart” technology. In fact, five local hospitals appear on Newsweek’s new list of the world’s best “smart” hospitals.

To compile the list, Newsweek teamed up with data provider Statista to rank the world’s top 330 hospitals for the use of smart technology. The ranking factors were electronic functionality, telemedicine, digital imaging, artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics.

The highest-ranked Houston hospital is the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, appearing at No. 6. The hospital was recognized for advancements in electronic functionality, AI and robotics.

“MD Anderson has a significant opportunity and a responsibility to our many stakeholders to create a digital ecosystem that promotes collaboration and advances scientific discovery to enhance patient outcomes,” David Jaffray, the cancer center’s chief technology and digital officer, said in a 2021 news release.

“Through our ongoing focus on enabling the use of new technologies to place quantitative data in context for our researchers,” Jaffray added, “we foster cutting-edge oncology data science to inform our cancer discovery research and to accelerate translation of our research findings into benefits for cancer patients.”

Ahead of MD Anderson on the list are:

  1. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
  2. Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland.
  3. Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
  4. Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.
  5. Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.

Other Houston hospitals on the list are:

  • Houston Methodist Hospital, No. 11.
  • Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center, No. 105.
  • Texas Children’s Hospital, No. 197.
  • Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center, No. 266.

Expert: How to best repurpose Houston’s infrastructure for a clean energy future

guest column

Houston, often dubbed the “Energy Capital of the World,” is at a pivotal moment in its history. Known for its vast oil and gas reserves, the city is now embracing a new role as a leader in the clean energy transition. This shift is not just about adopting new technologies but also about creatively repurposing existing infrastructure to support sustainable energy solutions.

Houston’s offshore oil wells, many of which are old or abandoned, present a significant opportunity for carbon capture. By repurposing these wells, we can sequester carbon dioxide, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. This approach not only utilizes existing infrastructure but also provides a cost-effective solution for carbon management. According to the Greater Houston Partnership, initiatives like these are crucial as Houston aims to lower its climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions. Exxon estimates that just their proposed CCS hub could capture and store 50 million metric tons of CO2 annually by 2030 and 100 million metric tons by 2040.

The proximity of abandoned offshore platforms to the coast makes them ideal candidates for renewable energy substations. These platforms can be transformed into hubs for wind, solar or tidal energy, facilitating the integration of renewable energy into the grid. This repurposing not only maximizes the use of existing structures but also minimizes environmental disruption.

Decommissioned pipelines, which are already in place, offer a ready-made solution for routing renewable energy cables. By using these existing rights of way, Houston can avoid disturbing additional seafloor and reduce the environmental impact of new cable installations. This strategy ensures a smoother transition to renewable energy infrastructure. The U.S. Energy Information Administration notes that Texas, including Houston, leads the nation in wind-generated electricity, highlighting the potential for further renewable energy development.

Onshore oil and gas facilities in Houston also hold potential for clean energy repurposing. Wells that were drilled but never used for oil or gas can be adapted for geological thermal energy storage. This process involves storing excess renewable energy in the form of heat, which can be retrieved when needed, providing a reliable and sustainable energy source. This innovative use of existing wells aligns with Houston’s broader energy transition strategy, which aims to leverage the city’s industrial expertise for a low-carbon future.

Once the land has been remediated, old and abandoned oil fields can be converted into solar farms. This transformation not only provides a new use for previously contaminated land but also contributes to the generation of clean, renewable energy. Solar farms on these sites can help meet Houston’s energy needs while supporting environmental restoration. The Environmental Protection Agency in recent years recognized Houston as the top city in the U.S. for green energy usage, with annual green power usage topping 1 billion kilowatt-hours in 2021.

Houston’s journey towards a clean energy future is a testament to the power of innovation and adaptability. By repurposing existing infrastructure, we can create a sustainable energy landscape that honors the city’s industrial past while paving the way for a greener tomorrow. These strategies highlight the potential for Houston to lead in the clean energy transition, setting an example for cities worldwide.


Tershara Mathews is the national offshore wind lead at WSP.

This article originally ran on EnergyCapital.