Th innovative method involves techniques that will be used to measure and visualize temperature distributions without direct contact with the subject being photographed. Photo via

A University of Houston professor of electrical and computer engineering is improving thermal imaging and infrared thermography with a new method to measure the continuous spectrum of light.

Jiming Bao's innovative method involves techniques that will be used to measure and visualize temperature distributions without direct contact with the subject being photographed, according to a news release from the university. The challenges generally faced by conventional thermal imaging is addressed, as the new study hopes to eliminate temperature dependence, and wavelength.

Thermal cameras and infrared thermometers measure temperature accurately from a distance because they are highly sensitive to light, which makes them valuable tools. Fields from the military, building, and mechanical inspections, and medical diagnostics, these industries depend on thermal cameras and infrared since they detect infrared radiation that is invisible to the human eye, and convert it into visible images. The issue is the level of accuracy, which Bao hopes to address with his solution.

“We designed a technique using a near-infrared spectrometer to measure the continuous spectrum and fit it using the ideal blackbody radiation formula,” Bao tells the journal Device. “This technique includes a simple calibration step to eliminate temperature- and wavelength-dependent emissivity.”

By using the near-infrared spectrometer, thermal radiation from a hot target can be collected with an optical fiber and recorded digitally. The collected spectrum is then normalized by using a system calibration response and finally fitted to determine the temperature.

“This technique overcomes challenges faced by conventional thermal cameras and infrared thermometers due to the unknown emissivity of targets and reveals much higher surface temperatures of photothermal catalysts than those measured by a buried thermocouple under strong light illumination,” Bao says in a news release.

Jiming Bao is a University of Houston professor of electrical and computer engineering. Photo via

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How to prepare your business for severe weather, according to this Houston expert

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Unprecedented severe weather events are becoming more frequent and intense. Proactive business planning is critical to navigating what Mother Nature has in store for us.

In Houston, severe weather can impact operations any time of year, not just hurricane season, so now is the time to incorporate any fresh lessons learned during Hurricane Beryl into your plans. Employers are responsible for safeguarding their employees and assets during these emergencies, which requires establishing an emergency action plan as a foundation of preparedness.

Develop an Emergency Action Plan

If your business does not have an emergency action plan (EAP), today is the perfect time to start it so you are prepared with a response strategy. This clearly written plan is a blueprint for how your business will react and protect employees when severe weather strikes. The more detailed the EAP, the better you and your employees will respond in a time of crisis. Within the EAP, it is important to outline specific protocols, designate key roles and responsibilities and establish communication channels for employees and clients. As power can be an issue during severe weather events, outlining various communication channels is helpful.

Identify Key Employees

During an emergency, you need to know who has the authority to make the decisions that impact your employees and your business. The designated person needs to assess the situation, determine whether employees should work remotely or shelter in place, and communicate these decisions clearly and quickly. This person is usually on the leadership team and can be trusted to make clear decisions, act promptly and communicate effectively to mitigate undue risks.

Implement Regular Emergency Training

Practice makes perfect. A plan on paper is the first step, but it must be practiced and drilled so everyone knows what to do, asks questions and makes any needed adjustments, all when the stakes are not as high. Familiarity with emergency procedures through periodic training and drills allows employees to practice evacuation routes, assembly points and safety protocols.Incorporating local emergency responders in safety drills familiarizes employees with the roles and responsibilities of each group. Through this emergency training, your teams will become confidently prepared to calmly respond to emergencies.

Provide a Swift and Orderly Response

Proactively thinking through and planning for location-specific emergency situations allows business owners to mitigate risks associated with severe weather events and quickly respond when a crisis strikes. When your business is prepared, there is less downtime and disruption to business operations, it protects physical assets, and most importantly, it prioritizes the safety and well-being of employees.

Houston experiences a wild mix of severe weather situations, which makes proactive business planning and preparedness even more critical. Prioritizing EAP development and implementation, designating responsible decision-makers, conducting regular training and drills, and ensuring clear communication channels sets the stage for a resilient organization in severe weather. Additionally, establishing a clear EAP helps foster a culture of safety and readiness that can significantly protect lives and livelihoods during times of crisis.


Ray Brock is a director of safety services with Insperity, a leading provider of human resources offering the most comprehensive suite of scalable HR solutions available in the marketplace.

This article originally ran on EnergyCapital.

Texas robotics company expands in Houston with service-focused automation technology

order's up

Snazzy sombrero-wearing robots are gliding over to your table, carrying chips, salsa, and drinks, electronic eyes wide open on its interactive screen, ready to serve. The bot, provided by the new Houston franchise branch of RobotLAB Inc., debuted at Johnny Tamales Tex-Mex Cantina in Missouri City last week.

The restaurant's owner, Anil Patel, arranged for a one-month trial rental of the machine. But so far, he tells InnovationMap that he’s pleased with his “no-brainer” decision to add a small food delivery robot, which he says has huge marketing potential.

“I’m a sucker for technology. You look at it, and I think this is the future,” says Patel, who used to work in the health care industry.

That vision is shared by Elad Inbar, founder and CEO of Dallas-based RobotLAB, who in July expanded his company’s Texas franchise operations with the opening of a Houston branch.

“For many years, robots were toys — for geeks. You had to build them yourself, program them yourself,” Inbar says.

Elad Inbar is the founder and CEO of Dallas-based RobotLAB. Photo courtesy of RobotLAB

But the electronics revolution that brought handheld phones to the mainstream inspired Inbar to turn that concept to robotics when he formed RobotLAB in 2007.

“To me, this was completely a wake up call — seeing the market shift, and you know, bringing the opportunity to the mass market,” he says.

The company started by providing small robots to schools, and the company now works with two-thirds of the school districts in the country, Inbar says, touting that it is the "largest, most experienced" robotics company.

Keith Edwards, who owns RobotLAB’s Houston franchise with his brother Daniel, said his office aims to provide 50 robots in its first year of operation. While the use of robots has become more common globally, especially in Asian hotels and restaurants, for American business owners, robots are definitely not a standard decision, Edwards says.

The challenge lies in educating them about how robotics provides a solution for staffing shortages, Edwards says. With the touch of a button, the robot used in Patel’s restaurant can be programmed to sing happy birthday and deliver a dessert, or return dirty dishes back to the kitchen sink.

Through its franchisees, RobotLAB has already set up robots inside numerous restaurants, including eight food delivery models at four Houston locations of revolving sushi bar Kura Sushi.

Wings Over Frisco in the Dallas metro area and entertainment complex AREA 254 in Killeen also use RobotLAB food delivery robots. In August, the Tulsa International Airport introduced, on a trial basis, “Cloi,” another bot from RobotLAB, that guides visitors and has a selfie feature.

RobotLAB provides some 50 types of robots, Inbar says, ranging in function from cleaning, warehouse stacking, to food delivery, with plans and potential for more.

The company also has a presence in the senior living space, with a humanoid life-sized interactive robot named Pepper, that works with residents who suffer from dementia. While no Houston senior communities have yet come on board, Inbar says the company works with assisted living communities in Dallas, Wisconsin, New Jersey and Virginia.

One of RobotLAB's devices specializes in senior care facilities. Photo courtesy of RobotLAB

RobotLAB does not manufacture the robots, but provides the models, which can be purchased or leased. The company partners with manufacturers all over the world to provide the robots.

The cost to purchase a robot outright ranges widely, anywhere from $3,400 for an autonomous vacuum cleaner to $32,000 for a life-sized model, according to the website.

It provides one-on-one service for all aspects of implementation and any repair.

The proof of concept and related costs for the trial run for the Johnny Tamales robot was $2,990, Edwards says, which would apply toward a possible purchase of the $9,500 robot.

The daily labor cost, according to Inbar, for a food delivery robot amounts to about $15 to $17 a day, and for cleaning robots, about $27 a day.

The delivery robots run on a battery charge which lasts which lasts from nine to 13 hours, depending on the model. A cleaning robot does not last as long, but can clean 20,000 square feet on a single charge, Inbar says, and discharge dirty water, charge itself and return to work.

In the coming weeks, Inbar says he plans a demonstration with area firefighters at a training facility in Dallas, to show them bots that can clear debris, fight fires and help perform rescues.

The fastest-growing sector of his business now is the cleaning robot, as the service industry, in particular, struggles with labor challenges, Inbar says. The Houston office just sold its first cleaning robot, Edwards said.

“There is more demand for cleaning automation, simply because people don’t want to do the job anymore,” says Inbar. “We are hearing from everyone, in every market sector, from hotels, to assisted living facilities, to warehouses, you name it, supermarkets — even movie theaters. They can’t find people to clean. Putting that on autopilot, in a way, is the solution."

Edwards and Inbar say RobotLAB’s customized local service and connection provides the missing integration link for many business owners, who are intrigued by robots but may be way of what is involved with the equipment.

“We are basically the car dealership model of robotics,” Inbar says.

Christina Garavaglia, executive director of the Southeast Texas region of the Texas Restaurant Association, says the industry usually adapts cutting-edge technology early on, and robots are no exception.

“One of the primary reasons for this is that technology, hopefully, if it does what it’s intended, provides a lot of efficiency, and can help with some of the very tight margins that all of our restaurants work with,” she says.

Local restaurateurs have generally had positive reactions to robots, she says.

RobotLAB has food delivery robots rolling out in Houston. Photo courtesy of RobotLAB

Eric’s Restaurant at the Hilton University of Houston Hotel was the first Texas restaurant to introduce a robot two years ago, as part of its student training, Garavaglia says, adding that she expects more restaurateurs to come on board.

The industry has “barely scanned the surface” in leveraging the potential for robots to maximize efficiency and create a unique customer experience, she said.

Jim Lewis, president of AREA 254, a 45,000-square-foot entertainment complex in Killeen, purchased three robots from RobotLAB and began using them in January.

The robot keeps the food warm, in its enclosed shelves, and frees up the servers. One robot can carry up to four pizzas, and go from table to table in one trip, directed by a software system activated by the QR code order at the table. And, just as important for Lewis, the robots provide the “fun, cool factor.”

“People love it, and robots put smiles on people’s faces,” Lewis says. “My guess is that it will pick up a lot of steam, especially in the family entertainment space, where buildings are so big. The robot provides a very practical solution to moving food long distances.”

Inbar says his company does not want to replace human labor with his robots, rather enhance it and free up time for humans while filling a labor gap prompted by a shift that began in the wake of the COVID pandemic.

“This is where the challenge is. They need people to move boxes in warehouses, cook, and clean floors, so automation is the solution,” Inbar says.

Garavaglia says restaurant servers may even see their tips increase, as they can engage longer with customers as the robot handles other chores. The gap between the tip and the amount of work done to earn it would close, she explains.

Most high-end restaurants pride themselves on the customer experience, she said, and “that can only be provided by a human person.”

“Feeling a trust, sense of connection, that is really a human trait, a human characteristic. So long as that is the case, human servers and human employees will always be necessary,” she says.

Texas outshines California, takes top spot on new solar energy ranking


For the first time, Texas has passed California in the second quarter of 2024 to become the top solar state in the country.

The American Clean Power Association's quarterly market report found that, by adding 3,293 megawatts of new solar year-to-date, Texas has the most utility-scale solar capacity installed, comprising 20 percent of the overall U.S. solar fleet. The American Clean Power Association, which represents over 800 energy storage, wind, utility-scale solar, transmission, and clean hydrogen companies, found that Texas is home to 21,932 megawatts of capacity.

By utilizing clean energy initiatives, Texas included 1.6 gigawatts of new solar, 574 megawatts of storage, and 366 megawatts of onshore wind. With more than 28,000 megawatts, Texas had the highest volume of clean power development capacity in the second quarter. About 163,000 megawatts of capacity overall are in the works throughout the United States. Texas ranks No. 1 for total operating wind capacity and total operating solar capacity, and comes in second for operating storage capacity.

Texas again led in production levels with clean power construction projects nationally, which boasts more than 19,000 megawatts worth of clean power energy currently under construction. With almost 28.3 gigawatts in advanced development or under construction, Texas continues to come in at No.1, as California is next with over 16.4 gigawatts in the state’s project pipeline.

California added more than 1,900 megawatts of new clean power capacity in the second quarter, with its clean energy development behavior leaning more towards adding storage, which amounts to 60 percent of California’s year-to-date clean power installations.

According to the report from SmartAsset, the Lone Star State has the most clean energy capacity at 56,405 megawatts due to its sheer size for solar capacity, but continues to trail states with similar geographic characteristics in overall clean energy prevalence.

Another report published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, says Texas will make up 35 percent of new utility-scale solar capacity in the U.S. this year, followed by California (10 percent) and Florida (6 percent).

While Texas’ solar efforts have shown positive trends, the state ranked No. 38 in a report by WalletHub that determined it was the thirteenth least green state.


This article originally ran on EnergyCapital.