Why you should be offering your employees estate and legacy planning tools. Photo courtesy of The Postage

As priorities for employees have shifted as part of the Great Resignation the need for non-traditional benefits has continued to arise. Employees are expecting their personal and family wellness to be at the core of what their employers are offering. This is a big consideration when deciding to stay or leave a company. While HR professionals and employers are realizing they need to re-evaluate their benefits and how they keep top talent, there’s one key benefit that is typically missed that is a life necessity for all, estate and legacy planning.

Given today’s uber competitive talent market, there’s an opportunity for companies to embrace new benefits that go beyond the typical and support vital needs, such as financial wellness and estate planning. Taking the next step by providing and connecting employees with the right resources can make all the difference. Estate and legacy planning goes beyond creating a will, it’s about end to end care of life and legacy. It helps transition wealth and wisdom across generations. It handles your affairs, finances, your digital assets, protects your children and pets, and ensures your wishes are carried out if you are temporarily unavailable or permanently incapable of handling them. It’s as critical and as necessary as insurance yet is not typically included as a key employee benefit.

Why should you add estate and legacy planning as part of your employee benefits? Here’s the top three reasons to consider:

1. Create value for your employees and their families

Financial wellness and security are the utmost important for employees. In fact, it’s one of the most-valued benefits, based on a recent survey Morgan Stanley found that 90 percent of employees want their company to prioritize financial benefits. Are you going to be one of the 95 percent of HR executives that plan to do so? If so, there are multiple ways that a company can help its employees to build wealth and protect their financial security through traditional benefits such as retirement savings plans, health insurance, voluntary life, and disability insurance, and more. But additional benefits like estate and legacy planning should be a part of this assortment of benefits that support protecting employees and their families’ finances - by helping them build and protect their financial and personal legacies.

Employers can show that they value and support their employee’s financial success and security by providing tools and resources that make it simple to handle these historically daunting tasks and keep them organized throughout life, which allows employees to have peace of mind for their families’ future, financial and beyond.

2. Stand out among your competitors

Most employers do not provide legacy and estate planning services. Only 12 percent of employers provide these types of benefits, yet over 72 percent of those who are not offered estate planning services by their employer, would be interested in using them if offered. That’s a huge percentage of your employee population that would benefit from this service while differentiating you from other employers and provide an opportunity for your company to show just how much you value your employees’ futures.

3. Show you care about your employees

More people have begun to self-reflect on what is truly important to them as a part of the Great Resignation. Now, employee desires have evolved beyond a high salary with decent benefits. Employees want to feel valued beyond the work they do, and even further than that, they need an environment where their career, their loved ones, and their own being is supported. These psychological needs are translating into demands for companies to provide more thoughtful employee benefits packages.

A study conducted by Morgan Stanley shows how perceptions of employees and HR executives alike have transformed, with 9 in 10 HR executives saying their company needs to do a better job helping employees understand how to maximize their financial benefits. Proving to your employees that you care about them beyond the ‘now’beyond simply providing short-term benefits that exclusively affect them in the present day–leverages your company’s commitment to caring for your workers.

For people that struggle with organizing their property and wealth, estate planning can help visualize their total net worth. However, benefits that not only anticipate employees’ future financial needs but also organize their family network will drive continual engagement within your company and prove genuine care for your workers. For example, The Postage helps people plan their legacy. On top of estate planning, customers also have the ability to store and document important life events and memories, or even utilize our message planning feature where they can send timely notes to their family at a future date.

Employees want to feel valued beyond their work and taking the steps to help them build physical and financial legacies for both themselves and their loved ones will put your company one step ahead of everyone else. It is time for estate planning to join the conversation for employee benefits packages and helping employees proactively plan their future could be the cornerstone of attracting and retaining diverse talent.


Emily Cisek is the founder and CEO of The Postage, a tech-enabled, easy-to-use estate planning tool.

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Houston makes top 10 list for best US cities to start a business

best of the rest

Houston plays a historic role in launching spacecraft. But it’s also a great place to launch a business.

A new list from USA Today Blueprint puts Houston in ninth place among the best U.S. cities to start a business in 2024. Austin grabs the No. 1 spot, and Dallas sits at No. 4.

“Starting and sustaining it is a major challenge, and there are a vast number of factors that can affect your chances of success,” says USA Today Blueprint. “While the best businesses and entrepreneurs can succeed anywhere and beat any odds, it can help to think about where your business might be more likely to succeed.”

USA Today Blueprint combed through data for 46 of the country’s most popular cities to create the ranking. Houston fares especially well in two categories — business openings and growth in GDP (gross domestic product):

  • In 2021, Houston saw 16,816 business openings and 13,785 business closures, resulting in a net gain of 3,031 businesses, according to USA Today Blueprint’s analysis. The net gain gives Houston a fourth-place showing for business openings.
  • From 2021 to 2022, Houston experienced GDP growth of 14.2 percent. That was a high enough rate to earn a third-place ranking for GDP growth. Only El Paso (15 percent) and Austin (14.3 percent) notched higher rates.

“Startups in Miami, Austin, and Dallas are particularly high contributors to their city’s total employment numbers. These cities also — alongside Houston and Jacksonville — make up five of the top 10 in terms of GDP growth,” says USA Today Blueprint.

Houston semiconductor researchers join DARPA-funded Texas team

teaming up

A team led by the University of Texas at Austin and partnered with Rice University was awarded $840 million to develop “the next generation of high-performing semiconductor microsystems" for the U.S. Department of Defense.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) selected UT’s Texas Institute for Electronics (TIE) semiconductor consortium to establish a national open access R&D and prototyping fabrication facility.

The facility hopes to enable the DOD to create higher performance, lower power, lightweight, and compact defense systems. The technology could apply to radar, satellite imaging, unmanned aerial vehicles, or other systems, and ultimately will assist with national security and global military leadership. As a member of DARPA’s Next Generation Microelectronics Manufacturing (NGMM) team, Rice’s contributions are key.

Executive vice president for research Ramamoorthy Ramesh and the Rice researchers will focus on technologies for improving computing efficiency. In a Rice press release, Ramesh notes the need to enhance “energy-efficient computing” which highlights Rice’s qualifications to contribute to the solution.

New microsystem designs will be enabled by 3D heterogeneous integration (3DHI)semi, which is a semiconductor fabrication technology that integrates diverse materials and components into microsystems via precision assembly technologies.

Kepler Computing, is a member of the NGMM team and utilizes ferroelectrics to develop energy-efficient approaches in computer memory and logic, and was co-founded by Ramesh. Other Rice researchers include:

  • Lane Martin, director of the Rice Advanced Materials Institute
  • Ashok Veeraraghavan, chair of electrical and computer engineering
  • Pulickel Ajayan, the Benjamin M. and Mary Greenwood Anderson Professor of Engineering and founding chair of the materials science and nanoengineering department
  • Kaiyuan Yang, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering
  • Guha Balakrishnan, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering

“Given the rapid growth of machine learning AI applications, there is a pressing need to fundamentally rethink current computing methodologies to advance the next generation of microelectronics,” Ramesh says in a news release. ”Rice University boasts world-class researchers with exceptional expertise in computer and electrical engineering poised to bolster this critical federally funded initiative.”

Overall, the project represents a total investment of $1.4 billion. The $840 million award from DARPA is a return on the Texas Legislature’s $552 million investment in TIE. TIE has funded the update of two UT fabrication facilities.

“TIE is tapping into the semiconductor talent available in Texas and nationally to build an outstanding team of semiconductor technologists and executives that can create this national center of excellence in 3DHI microsystems,” S.V. Sreenivasan, TIE founder and chief technology officer and UT professor of mechanical engineering adds.


This article originally ran on EnergyCapital.

Houstonian shares journey of entrepreneurship from pivot to exit to focus on inspiring positivity


After years of tolling over her athleisure wear startup, Megan Eddings knew what her company needed for it to be successful, and she knew she wasn't the right person to do it.

Accel Lifestyle, a clothing brand based on Edding's patented antimicrobial Prema fabric, launched late in 2019 just ahead of boutique fitness studio craze was significantly affected by the pandemic. After pivoting to face masks, including manufacturing tens of thousands for the United States Military, Eddings says she went into the next few years with Accel being back on track to design stink-resistant workout clothing.

But Eddings knew the company needed a huge marketing push to make a splash in the direct-to-consumer world.

"The core of who I am is not a social media person," she says on the Houston Innovators Podcast. "That isn't my skillset. If you sell a product, one of the only ways to become wildly successful is to have an incredible marketing strategy that you need a lot of money to build and create. That is not something that I liked.

"I was so passionate about inventing something, but in order to really scale to the next level, I would have had to take on quite a bit of investment money," she continues.

The process of figuring this out wasn't fast — and it wasn't easy, Eddings says. It took a lot of soul searching and figuring out her strengths and what was right for her.

Eddings says she started considering B2B opportunities — some of which were with major retail brands — but these companies weren't willing to make the financial commitment to Accel or its Prema fabric. The one exception was Talbots, which agreed to stock Accel's clothing.

"It was like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole for a solid year," she says, explaining the emotional and mental toll the process took on her.

Eddings says that just as the opportunity for entrepreneurship found her — by way of her husband's sweaty workout gear she felt convinced she could improve — the next opportunity for Accel found her as well. Eddings was invited to film a segment featuring Accel's products on TV.

As great of an opportunity as it was to sell Accel's products, the segment would be even more meaningful to the company. Shortly after the it aired, a man reached out to Eddings with an acquisition offer from him and his two Australian colleagues who want to build a clothing brand as big as Patagonia, Eddings says.

"When the three men flew in, we had a three-hour lunch and I felt like I was sitting with friends," Eddings says. "I decided I was going to sell, and that was pretty much it." The terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Eddings, whose background in medical sales originally brought her to Houston 12 years ago, turned back to the business world — this time tackling another new industry: oil and gas. She's now the chief strategy officer of Houston-based consultancy New Wave Offshore Energy. And as much as she likes this new role, she says she's ready to add onto her plate a new venture taking her experience with making pivots and incorporating positivity into every asset of her life.

"What I've realized is everyone wants to be happier. When I would give talks about entrepreneurship, the No. 1 question I would get as a founder is 'how do you stay so positive?'" Eddings says.

With this inspiration, she's starting a podcast — The Pivot to Positivity — and has already filmed a pilot episode of a TV show with the same focus.

"Everyone just needs more joy in their life," Eddings says.